Agenda Preview: December 5 School Committee Meeting
Screen time policy, special education, and transportation incident protocol
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It consists of one monthly recap post and short agenda previews like the one below. A paid subscription helps keep this crucial coverage of the public schools coming when legacy outlets are investing less and less in school coverage.
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Thank you! —Bill
December 5 School Committee Meeting.
The next school committee meeting is scheduled for December 5 at 5:30 p.m. Executive session starts at 5 p.m. See the full agenda here. You can watch live via Zoom or stream it on WEA-TV’s YouTube channel. Spanish translation is available on Zoom.
Report of the Superintendent.
This meeting’s report is a mid-cycle review of the Superintendent’s goals.
Screen Time Policy.
Sue Mailman (at-large) has an item asking for a policy around 1:1 screen time across all grade levels. Since the pandemic the district has been what is known as “1:1,” meaning every kid has an ipad (kindergarten) or chromebook (grades 1-12). This has meant that teachers can now have students on devices as part of their lessons and also means there’s wide variability in how often devices are used.
Transportation Protocols.
Dianna Biancheria (district C) asked for a review of policies and protocols around incidents and accidents on WPS buses.
Special Education.
Sue Mailman (at-large) requested an update on the special education reorganization implemented this school year due to the budget cuts.
Have a good week! If you have feedback you can always get in touch:
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