Agenda Preview: June 20th School Committee Meeting
Budget, superintendent eval, WRRB report
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June 20th School Committee Meeting
The next school committee meeting is scheduled for June 20. The budget session starts at 4 p.m., executive session starts at 6 p.m., and the general meeting is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. Actual start time depends on how long the executive session takes. See the agenda here. You can watch it via zoom or Facebook live. Spanish translation is available on zoom.
Here’s my preview:
Budget deliberation. The final school committee deliberation of the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year will happen at 4 p.m. and is scheduled to last two hours. Here’s the schedule. I’ll summarize the budget sessions at the end of the month, but as an example of how the last budget deliberation went, here’s a clip:
Just two things of note outside the budget hearing:
Public Petition from Worcester Regional Research Bureau to consider their report called Building the Future: Investing in WPS Facilities. Full disclosure, I’m a big fan of the reports coming out from WRRB lately, especially with respect to education.
Superintendent’s Evaluation. There’s an item to approve a proposed timeline for the Superintendent’s evaluation and goal setting.
Have a good week! If you have feedback you can always get in touch: