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Dear Shaun,
With the state of climate change, do you think March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? Do April showers really bring May flowers? I feel like our whole world has been shifted and now it’s earthquakes and snowfall. I know you’re not a climatologist, I just want to know someone else feels my unease about our climate and the ever changing seasons.
-Not So Fair Weather Fan
Dear Not So Fair Weather Fan,
Are you gaslighting me? Sure. Climate change exists. But that just means sad polar bears and less chances for another Titanic to happen. If anything, it is great that there won’t be an iceberg to split open a ship and kill thousands of people. Are you saying you want that? Interesting.
Like most things, big problems do not specifically concern me. I have student debt, a child who currently has a fever, a wife with a stressful job and a mom who is still grieving the loss of her husband (my dad!). Why should I worry about how it snowed in April, or that is already feels like mid-May? My problems are real and tangible. I truly don’t even know if the ozone exists, I just trust my 8th grade science teacher!
When we were planning our wedding, one of the event planners at the place we were having the party said that the whole world has fast-forwarded a month so that April 11th now feels like May 11th, etc. etc. She gave us this doomsday tidbit as to assure us that our wedding day would have beautiful. I thought it was absurd. No offense, but how does a wedding planner know anything about climate and how the earth moves through our galaxy? Most wedding planners don’t know how to cool it on pastels and roses! (Our wedding was beautiful, she did a great job). Also, knowing this does not effect my day to day. There is laundry to do, floors to clean, groceries to buy, appointments to make, and bills to pay. I can’t be bothered if the Atlantic Ocean is 1 degree warmer. Have you ever been to the beach in Maine? Intolerable. How does anyone go in that?
I thought we were supposed to trust the science. If that is the case then they will figure this out despite everything us and every other government on the planet does to keep making money and not allowing them to save us from ourselves. The science will win no matter what. I’m convinced. Will I keep eating beef and drive my gas powered car? Yeah probably, but maybe less of it? Will I wake up everyday worried that it is a beautiful sunny day? Absolutely not. Suns out, guns out for the Water Wars on Fury Road.
Send any and all questions to woocomedyweek@gmail.com with the subject line "Bad Advice."
This weekend I’ll be in New Orleans for the New Orleans Hot Dog Safari. Bryan O’Donnell and I will be bringing our show Hot Dog! to the world-renowned sandwich shop Turkey and the Wolf on Saturday April 13th. It is a part of the festivities of the Safari. Attendees can buy merch, a scorecard and make donations to the free fridges down there.
I’ll still be flying back next Tuesday so Brandon Pires will be guest-hosting the open mic at Ralph’s on April 16th. Go give him a hard time!