Would just like to bring to everyone's attention again that the 2021 Homeless Camp sweep at Walmart broke state and Worcester law &ordinance by bulldozing and cutting at least dozens of trees next to the Blackstone river, causing significant erosion, siltation, and loss of wildlife habitat. The homeless camp sweeps are not only harming people but harming the environment. The Conservation Commission issued an Enforcement Order to Walmart for the environmental damage while other branches of the city were aiding and abetting this violation of the state and local law.

The state land that was cleared the state was not even asked or told until the Conservation Commission got involved.

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Note: The T&G is beholden to the CofC for advertising dimes and dollars.

Surprised you did not mention erstwhile "Boy Mayor," former Lt. Gov. Tim "Crash" Murray, making a quarter-million, almost as much at the CofC as CM Eric Batista: ah, brotherhood and money in the "McGovern Crime Family!"

On the mark with King as Mayor! Time for Petty to devote full time as the paltry $150,000 Executive Secretary etc, etc, etc.

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This whole piece is a gut punch and a half. Bless Kevin and the people like him who give a shit and keep on fighting this Sisyphean struggle against a string of recalcitrant executives and city councilors. The City Manager is dead, long live The City Manager.

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And to add, next time someone in the Petty camp raises the specter of national politics to divert attention, let's simply respond by asserting that we no longer want to see the corruption and backroom politics of national politics.

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Exceptional writing Bill.

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