Feb 6, 2023Liked by Bill Shaner

Hey Bill, I've been in Worcester for aaalmost a year now, and my girlfriend just recently pointed me in your direction (she's been around a lot longer and we met at a Now|Next meeting). Suffice to say I've subscribed to you and Matt Stoller and just tried to cancel my Telegram subscription... but their website wouldn't let me. You really highlighted a lot of my frustrations with the city since coming here and the Telegram, which I appreciate. Seems like it's made deliberately hard to get involved in government around here.

That said, I've been trying to start a Worcester discussion group for the organization Strong Towns, with which I'd guess you are familiar, but have been having some trouble. I have the new-in-town energy to get it done and plenty of people interested, but step 1 of finding a place to host has been shockingly hard, few useful responses as even the library isn't allowing public use of their meeting rooms. If you have any tips or connections for someplace that might oblige a burgeoning community organization, I'd super appreciate a heads up.

I think a lot of the despair comes from a feeling of alienation, so I want to get as many new urbanism type enthusiasts together as possible and make ourselves difficult to ignore.

Thanks for putting in the work.

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Bill..you've outdone yourself with this column! I always enjoy your writing, but the portrayal of the culture of city politics in the context of the value and priority struggles of livelihood and well-being versus growth was particularly enlightening. It's a microcosm of the challenge the planet faces. Your articulation of progressivism is as cogent and broadly applicable as any I have read. You are Worcester's indispensable journalist! An ever-growing following awaits your writing beyond your current geographical reach. Keep flying close to the sun. If you lose a few feathers along the way, others will come to know the value of your keen eye and sharp pen, and the growing numbers of my fellow subscribers will help you maintain all the altitude you need.

Craig Masterman

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Maybe Polar Park could become "Jacob Hiatt Stadium," when the Kraft Group beneficently scoops the $160,000,000 debt and leaves the squabble to everyday billionaires?

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Dire Straits’ entire debut album is great. Lions and Down to the Waterline are some of my all time favorite songs.

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This was a great one, even if I'm not a new reader; wanted to make sure someone in the comments called you a crayon-eating shitbird for doubting the importance of your work. I have almost nowhere else to go for a reliable voice on municipal news, but being informed on this level is so important because it's at this level of governance that schmucks like me have the greatest shred of a chance to impact policy outcomes. Your work makes me the most informed voice in the room when I talk to friends and colleagues about city issues. Keep it up, Billyboy!

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